Black Warrior Review is accepting general fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions until September 1, 2019.
There’s a $3 submission fee for their general categories.
BWR pays a one-year subscription and a nominal lump-sum fee for all works published.
Submit up to one piece of fiction at a time. They say,”BWR wants your fleeing mutants, your interstellar castaways, your goblin-children who tunneled right out of the mountain and into the light of the twin suns. Send us your most outlandish fabulations, your warped domestic idylls, your menacing pastry and inside-out narration. We value risks, surprises, sentences that bioluminesce, and voices that haunt us long after the story is done.”
They also accept non fiction up to 7,000 words. They say, “We are looking for writing that takes risks.”
Poetry: Send up to five poems, no more than ten pages total, in a single document.
They are are also looking to publish one or two graphic essays/stories/poems, or pieces of sequential art per issue.
Translations: Submit a max of 10 pages. They will consider any literary genre. Completed, self-sufficient works only.
You’ll find further information on their submission guidelines here.