Interview Adele Taylor

Interview Adele Taylor

Adele is a young writer from the Welsh valleys who has been a young carer from the age of two and has the same invisible disability as her mother- Ehler Danlos Syndrome Type 3. She uses her writing to raise awareness of topics like these that are close to her heart. She won the Swansea Bay Radio Young Carer of the Year Award 2018. Her poetry, scripts and short stories have been published in various Young Writer’s Anthology books and more will soon be published in PSHE books created by Victoria Lewin.

  1. Congratulations on winning our contest with ‘Hallie-May’. What inspired you?

I needed to write something for Creative Writing A Level homework two years ago and at the time, I was reading a lot of Cathy Cassidy’s books. So I decided to write something inspired by her but about a topic that’s meaningful to me, young carers.

  1. How did you break into the publishing world?

In comprehensive school, I entered a Young Writer’s poetry competition and I’ve had a few poems published in their anthologies since then.

  1. Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer to see where an idea takes you?

I prefer to just see where an idea takes me, writing must be the only aspect of my life that I don’t pre plan!

  1. What type of books do you like to read and who are some of your favorite authors?

I like to read anything and everything. For example, I’m currently reading a Bridget Jones book and before that I enjoyed a crime drama called Blue Murder.

  1. What projects are you working on at the moment?

I’m not working on much at the moment due to starting my degree, sign language classes and new voluntary job with Young Carers but when I get a chance to, I add to the comedy scripts I’ve been working on for a while. They’re originally inspired by the TV show ‘Outnumbered’ and if anything were to come of them, I hope they would make somebody’s day better by distracting them from everything and making them laugh.



Interview Adele Taylor