Overcoming Writer’s Block: Tips and Tricks to Get You Back on Track

Overcoming Writer’s Block: Tips and Tricks to Get You Back on Track

Have writer’ block? Oh, how I’ve been there. Being stuck is all too common among writers, but it isn’t the end of the road—it’s just a matter of figuring out what to do next, and you’re in luck. We’ve gathered some of our favorite tips for beating the block and getting you back on track with your writing.

Get yourself a notebook and pen

This may sound obvious, but having a notebook and pen ready isn’t just for writing down ideas or phrases when a burst of inspiration comes along; it gets you into the habit of writing by hand. Writing by hand helps with memory retention and enables you to think more clearly about what needs fixing in your story or project.

Start with a prompt

A prompt is a tool that helps you get your creative juices flowing, and it can help you start on a new project or get back into the swing of things after taking some time off. Prompts can be anything from a quote to a picture. Use your imagination!

Go for a walk

This is my saving grace. If you’re looking for inspiration, there’s no better place than nature. Take a walk in your local park or nature preserve and listen to the sounds around you: birds chirping, leaves rustling, and insects buzzing. Be one with the quiet and find that place of writing zen for yourself. Once you feel centered, try writing down what you see and hear. Similarly to a prompt, you never know what your imagination will formulate!

Set a deadline

If you are like me, having a deadline helps me push through. Try setting a deadline for yourself, whether a time limit or a specific word count, and wait to leave your writing space until that limit is reached. Once set, stick with it. The results may surprise you.

Change your environment

If you’re stuck in your office, go somewhere else; if it’s too cold or hot, try another venue. Try writing at different times of the day or, if you are always in a place of isolation, move to a public space like a coffee shop. Remember, this is all about moving
from the environment you’re usually in to one that will ignite creativity.

Free Write

Write freely, without editing or judging yourself. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or what other people will think of your writing. Don’t even think about whether or not you are writing well or badly–just write!

Keep going when writing feels hard

Ever feel like you aren’t making any progress? Writing is hard, and it’s easy to get discouraged, but you have to keep going; you can only ever revise and improve something that is finished. That being said, when the going gets tough, find a mentor, workshop, or writing group to lean on to help get you through. The Writing District has mentoring services that will help give you that boost of confidence. Check them out here https://thewritingdistrict.com/.

It Happens to Everyone.

Writer’s block happens to everyone, so take comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone. Remember to persevere; no matter where you are in your writing journey, these tips will help get you back on track. Keep writing!

Overcoming Writer's Block