The Coachella Review

The Coachella Review is the literary arts journal of the University of California Riverside–Palm Desert Graduate Center and the MFA program in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts.

They say: “We accept original work that is vibrant, thoughtful, and precise. Whether your work is innovative or traditional, we strive to celebrate writing that holds readers in awe.”

They publish two issues a year, in June and December.

NONFICTION: Submit creative nonfiction of all kinds. Submissions should not exceed 6,000 words.

POETRY: Submit up to three poems per submission. There are no restrictions on form or length.

FICTION: They welcome short stories, novel excerpts, and experimental forms. Both literary and genre works are invited. Submissions should not exceed 6,000 words.

DRAMA: Submit dramatic writing for both stage and screen. They are interested in scripts within the ten to thirty page range. Stage plays and screenplays should follow the American Standard format.

BLOG: They accept many types of content for their blog, including reviews, essays, short fiction, and interviews. For reviews, please query the blog editor first.

For full details, visit their website.

The Coachella Review